
  • I am currently on leave from Harvard and at OpenAI

  • See the Harvard ML foundations group website for our seminar and other activities in the foundations of machine learning. In particular the opportunities section there contains information about positions for undergraduate students, graduate students, postdocs, and faculty.

Selected Publications

All publications

Below are some of my papers, click here to see all my publications:


All Writing

I wrote a graduate textbook with Sanjeev Arora: Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach. I am currently writing an undergraduate textbook: Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science. I also wrote extensive notes on an intense introduction to cryptography and on the sum of squares algorithm (with David Steurer). I occasionally blog on the Windows on Theory blog and Tweet.

Some surveys and essays I wrote are below. See here for more of my less technical writing.


All teaching

Here are some of the courses / lectures I (Co) taught (see here for all courses):


Office hours

Email: . For Harvard related mails (apart from DUS), please use Any emails related to my role as DUS should be sent to
Please use or for reference letter or manuscript review requests respectively. (emails to these addresses are forwarded to my main inbox, but are also tagged appropriately so I don't lose track of them. Emails to the reference address are also forwarded to my faculty coordinator.)

Upcoming office hours: (see all hours and schedule appointments)

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Physical Location: Office 3.309 in Harvard Allston SEC complex, 150 Western Avenue, Boston, MA.
Mailing Address: Professor Boaz Barak, Harvard University SEAS, SEC Building Office 3.309, 150 Western Avenue, Boston, MA 02134
Administrative assistant: Kristin Maple ,
Phone: (617) 496-1004 (I prefer email)